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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% ASHTRAYA Smell Hastens Through Rooms After You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BUTTBelongs Under Tosser's Tush! Patricia Rix (I hate the way smokers treat the whole world as their ashtray)
100% CAMELCigarettes Affect Many Emphysemic Lungs Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CIGAR (2)Crazy Idiots Gain Awful Respiration. Jeff Anonymous
100% CIGARETTESCancer: Idiots Greatly Augment Risk Every Time They 'Enjoy' Smoking Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CIGARETTES (2)Cancer? I Guess A Reason Exists Tipping The Evidentiary Scales. Roger Williams
100% FAGSFormerly A-Grade Smokes Angela Brett
89% INHALINGInhaling Nicotine Has After-effects - Life Is No Good! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INHALING (2)I Now Have A Lung Issuing Nasty Gunge Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% LIGHTERLook - Inhaling Git - How Tobacco-smoke Enfuses Room Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MARLBOROManly And Rugged? Lungs Blackened Or Respiration Obstructed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NICOTINENow I'm Coughing Often, The Industry Needs Ending! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PASSIVE SMOKINGPeople Around Smokers Should Indicate Vehement Exceptions! Secondary Mischief Often Kills Innocent Non-Gaspers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUITTERQuestioning Unhealthy Inclination Toward Tobacco - Eventually Rewarded. Angela Brett
100% SMOKERSSo Many On Knife-Edge, Risking Sickness Angela Brett
100% TOBACCOToxic Orally Breathed Abomination Creates Cancerous Odor On the school bus I saw some jerk puffing a cigarette right before he got on, and I started thinking acronyms.
100% WINSTONWould Induce Non-Smokers To Oppose Nicotine Tony McCoy O'Grady